Cik aDIk BerKAtA - KatA...

OleH kerana aku hanya dua beradik..Aku memang dipanggil ADIk di dalam keluarga...Sampai sekarang, bila dapat anak buah pun...cumanya,nama ku ditukar sebagai " CIK AdIK " ...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

mEmoRy iN cOnVent scHOoL... (^_^)

                 We StuDenT fRom 2 RuBy, WoulD liKe to PreSenT a cHoral sPeakIng enTiTleD " OUR DEAREST TEACHER "...We woUld Like to DediCate it To ouR DarLinG teacher "PUAN HAFSAH"..


HeRe's A tALe wE waNna teLL..PeOple saY scHooL is likE HeLL!! BuT tHen yOu reaLiSe itS dIaMonD DeLL PaRaDiSe oN eArTh!!
HaWWaiii..!!! No lar, ConVenT YoU DuNguBeLL...

2 RuBy wOn't Be a GreaT cLass wiThoUt a CarinG, haRdwOrkinG, PatienT, kinD, LoVing, resPonSible....FiErCe...sshhh.. You caN see..Our ClaSS isn'T an OrDinary cLass ANYMORE!!!
wHy..buT wHy..??
HuH whY?
CanT yoU SeE??

It's BeCauSe oF oUr DaRlinG ForM TeaCher our Very oWn anD aderAble PuAN HAfsaH
ShE's LeaVing Us..
When yOu see Her..sHe's reaLly PreTTy...
Her NaMe sPells tOtal BeauTy..
But soMeTiMes it iS quiTe a Pity..
SolO : All Her inTeLLiGenCe is wasted On Me..!

tHe rhYThm of hEr HigH-HeEL sHoes ( clak..clak..clak..) cOulD bE heaRed FrOm A yaRd aWay..
WalKinG as prouD aS CaN Be..
HHMmm...She's ouR QUEeN...!!
WiTh hEr dAzzLinG sMiLe..She waLks iN oUr CLass..ReaDy tO teAch us 'BaHAsa'..

MeTaPHor..SiMILe, HyPerBoLe..WhiCh ReaLly MakEs Our eYEs RoLL..
PuaN HafSaH CorrEct Us if wE aRe wRonG
HyperBole! ShE can go On aNd oN aNd On aNd on AboUt PahLawaN PaSir SaLaK uNtIl tHe sUn goEs DowN..

So Now Its TiMe To saY GooDBye..
As WiSe Man say..TiMe DoeS FLy..!!
TiMe's liKe thiS JuSt MAkes Us cRy..
OnCe agAin wE wisH PuAn HafsaH bYe..bYe..

DeaR TeaCher, We JusT WannA TeLl yOu
ThaT we reaLly..ReaLly Love n Apperiate yOu..
YoU'll be in Our HeaRt ForeVer aNd eVer aNd Ever..

        MaMa We Love You..
        MaMa We CaRe....    ='(

~~The OrIgINAL CoPpy..~~~

PuAn HafSah N PUaN RamLah..

2 RuBby...2004!!

Nk tau nape akma letak gmBar nie??huhu act sajer jer..coz my tWins,Terri Chan..( Twins = ckgu slalu pggil kmi Twins coz tggi same.then slau kmane2 pun bersama..~~lalala~~ ) remind me about memory in 2 rUby claZz...dier cter psal pinTomin msa bLn MerDeka di,kitorg kna berlakon..huhu dier mjdi KeTua komunis,n akma plak..??haha tak memasal jdi pwan mlayu terakHir n terlbat dlm lakonan nie.. =) 

akma tak der gmbar tue..tggu mber nie upload,bru akma dpt gmbr nyer..huhu
berbalik2 ngn cter kat atas..actly nie msa kitorg form 2..Hari PerpisahAn dgn Pn claz kmi..until now,kitorg berhubg baik dgn ckgu tue..huhu loVe u,Pn Hafsah..  

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